For the love of cats and humans

Feline Foundation was born as a disaster response group at the beginning of the war. We are honoured to be supported by the community, product companies, and prominent nonprofit organisations within Ukraine and internationally. 

Here you can...

Visit the shelter and choose or be chosen by a tiny feline that will love you unconditionally.

100% of your donations go directly to cover cats' vet bills, food and medication. You can always look at our financials or ask more questions.


Learn new skills or make an impact with what you already know. Cats and the community need you.


Long-read updates from the founder

What we care about

Animal and Human Welfare

We are passionate about animals (even though we specialise in cats), and we serve people too: the former pet owners, the future ones and the general public who are profoundly affected by the state of pet welfare in Ukraine.


We are grateful for the trust our supporters place in us and keep all financial and cat information public and accessible. We encourage everyone to examine our Trello workspace — we are constantly working on adding more information.


Spending funds wisely allows us to maximise our impact and fulfil our mission. 100% of the funds we receive through our accounts cover cats' needs only. So far, we have relied on dedicated activists and are always looking for ways to do more with less.


At the heart of our mission is the desire to oversee and be part of the larger change towards pet welfare and ownership in Ukraine. We are looking for ways to implement long-term solutions and best practices.

Nonprofits and businesses that help

They care about cats in Ukraine, and we love them. Thank you to all those supporting Feline Foundation.

IFAW logo

International Fund for Animal Welfare

Royal Canin Logo

Royal Canin

Save Pets of Ukraine logo

Save Pets of Ukraine

USAVA logo

Ukrainian Small Animal Veterinary Association

99designs logo


Dropbox logo


Canva logo


Weblium logo


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